Sunday, December 16, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007 Presidential Trivia

When discussing the U. S. Presidents, history books focus on the important events of the day and how a given President handled them. This activity looks at the Presidents in a less serious way. I hope this "trivia" based way of looking at the Presidents will help you "see" them in more human terms. I'll start out with some interesting facts and then you'll seek out the answers to some trivia on your own.

The heaviest President was William Howard Taft (1909-13), who sometimes tipped the scales at more than 300 pounds (136 kilograms) during his tenure. After he became stuck in the White House bathtub, Taft ordered a new one installed. The replacement was big enough to hold four grown men of average size. (Above is a political cartoon concerning President Taft).

Benjamin Harrison (1889-93), the 23nd President, was the first President to attend a baseball game. He saw the Cincinnati Reds beat the Washington Senators 7 to 4 on June 6, 1892.

George Washington (1789-1797), Thomas Jefferson (1801-09), and John Adams (1797-1801) were all avid collectors and players of marbles.

John Kerry's hometown newspaper, the Lowell Sun, endorsed George W. Bush for president. Bush's hometown newspaper, the Lone Star Iconoclast, endorsed John Kerry for president?

Jimmy Carter once reported a UFO in Georgia?

Now visit the following web site and answer these questions:

1. How many Presidents have also been military generals?

2. Who was our tallest President (how tall?)?

3. Which Presidents appear on paper money? (Hint: There are nine of them)

4. Use google to find out which bill each of the nine former Presidents can be found on.

5. Which presidents have been assassinated in office?

6. How much money does the President get paid?

7. Which President had the most children?

8. What seven "heritages" or ethnic background mix have all the Presidents come from?

9. How many Presidents never attended college?

10. Who and how old were the oldest and youngest elected presidents?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007 The Underground Railroad

Visit the link below to find out what it may have been like to journey on the Underground Railroad. Select "No" on any page that has a "No" option, such as "No, I'll stay here" or "No, I'll hide in the woods". You will need to do this to answer some of the following qustions. Ask for help if you do not understand.

Good Luck on your journey to FREEDOM!

1. How did the slaves that did not run away fight slavery?

2. Who was the "Black Moses" and what did she do?

3. What did the "hitching post" mean?

4. Who was Thomas Garret?

5. Who was William Still?

6. What two people might you meet in Rochester?

7. What did the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allow?

8. What are the new challenges you face in Canada?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007 Chief Tecumseh

Tecumseh whose given name might be more accurately rendered as Tecumtha or Tekamthi, was a famous Shawnee leader. He spent much of his life attempting to rally different Native American tribes in a mutual defense of their lands, which eventually led to his death in the War of 1812.
Use the links below to read more about Tecumseh and answer the following questions:

1. What does Tecumseh mean in English (more than one possibility)?

2. When and where was Tecumseh born?

3. What did Tecumseh say when GENERAL WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON tried to get Tecumseh to sell him part of the Shawnee tribal land?

4. What did Tecumseh want the members of his tribe to reject?

5. What did Tecumseh try to form?

6. Name at least three tribes that he attempted to join together.

7. Which side of the War of 1812 did Tecumseh join?

8. How did Tecumseh die?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007 The Louisiana Purchase

By any measure the purchase of Louisiana was the most important action of Jefferson's two terms as president. Jefferson knew that acquiring the very heart of the American continent would prove to be the key to the future of the United States.

Visit the following website to discover some basic facts about the Louisiana Purchase (Don't forget to paste the title above and the questions below into your post):

  1. How much land did the United States buy from France?

  2. When did the purchase take place?

  3. What was the total cost?

  4. How did the purchase of this land affect the size of the United States?

  5. How did the President violate the Constitution by making the Louisiana Purchase?

Use the following map site to discover and list the states that were eventually created, all or partly, out of the Louisiana Purchase:

6. List the states created, partly or in whole, by the Louisiana Purchase (Hint: 15 in all):